Monday, October 13, 2008


The first podcast I listened to was the Smart Boards by Be and Joan. They do a great job, and explain stuff really well. I read some of the reviews, and everyone who replied, really seemed to like these episodes. and Ben and Joan. They reall know a lot about the Smart Boards and everything else they may discuss. They are fun, cover lots of stuff, and talk to the audiance and each other.
Number 56 on Kid cast, by Stan was pretty cool. He started by telling where he was, and what he was going to be discussing. In this podcast, teachers where learning stuff in science, and then doing what we where doing, creating podcasts about it.
Kidcast was fun to listen to also. Although there was only one caster, it was very informative and gave out a lot of useful tips that could be used in the class room.
EdTechtalk was very helpful with some good ideas and question and answer segments. You can post a question and they can answer it on air. They had a lot of fun during this podcast talking with one another back and forth.
The last two podcast's MacBreak Weekly and This Week in Photography where very informative podcasts. I learned somethings from both of these casts. If you like photography This Week in Photography could benefit you some, and even if you don't like it it could still help you out.
Podcast are a very interesting thing that I have become introduced to. They could be used in the classroom as a big help to students and teachers. A lecture class could be recorded, a song, an oral test, anything, and the students could go on iTunes and listen for notes, to review, or just have fun. I think this is a great tool, and the more teachers that find out about it the more they can enefit as well as their students.

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